Internal Management Control System - IMCS

The application provides support for completing all the integrated stages of the Internal Management Control System: documentation, implementation, management, monitoring, reporting and updating.
Built on the 5 components of internal management control in a graphical interface easy to use:

  • Helps the management of documents related to: human resources, ethics, deontology, integrity (ex: internal regulations, Job description sheets, annual evaluation of the employees, planning the preparation employees, etc)
  • Interactive organizational chart that can adapt no matter how big your organization gets, interactive employee role assignments
Managing issues related to goal setting, planning, programming, monitoring and risk management.
Through the application the user has:
  • the possibility of establishing and disseminating the general and specific objectives and the activities necessary to achieve them;
  • possibility to allocate human resources to the objectives / activities;
  • monitoring performances through performance indicators related to each objective / activity
  • attaching risks to the activities within the objectives, with periodic review and reporting of the risk situation.
  • control of the documentation regarding the risk management with the possibility of export in pdf (Risk registers, Risk profile and tolerance limit, Implementation plan of the control measures)
  • The application provides users with a system for generating and managing the procedures formalized for each department as well as at the entity level, including their automatic coding and tracking the flow from the preparation, to verification, and approval until its communication to the users involved.
The application helps to create an adequate information system and a control system offering an overview of the degree of respect of:
  • the objectives regarding the process of creation, transmission and storage of information;
  • the policies of the entity;
  • activities assigned for each user
  • The application provides an overview of the degree of implementation of IMCS standards at the entity level, and an increased level of control for management of activities.
  • Self-evaluation of the achievement of IMCS objectives based on performance indicators.
  • Possibility of generating IMCS self-assessment form at compartment and entity level with possibility of export.
  • Centralized situation regarding the stage of IMCS implementation on December 31 (including automation of calculations to evaluate the degree of implementation)
  • Report generation Synthetic situation of self-assessment results (has mechanisms for facilitating automatic data acquisition / retrieval, predefined data selection,automation of calculations to evaluate the degree of implementation)